Trapped in the Valley of Tears

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A young student of Scottish history, Caitriona „Cat“ Campbell, has to do research for an essay on Samhain. Her final destination is the Valley of Tears in the Highlands, also known as the romantic town of Glencoe, as well as the scene of a 17th century clan massacre.
Although she no longer believes in great love, let alone the myths of the past, the spirit of Dusten MacDonald teaches her something different.
Dusten is imprisoned in the fairy realm and cursed. Only at Samhain is he allowed to show himself to mortals in search of salvation.
This Samhain, Cat decides to help him. However, she does not end up in the fairy realm as originally planned, but in the 17th century.
There she meets Dusten’s past self. But how can she prevent the inevitable from happening?

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